Mar 6, 2014

Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

In Skyrim, there is a lot of game play and choices you can make free will. The graphics are alright (not the best) but it will do. The game gives you free ability to take control of your own character and essentially do anything you want. I love the concept of a medieval Free-Roam Single-player game. Skyrim with its' glitches still has some improvement things that could be done to it. I am very far in the game with over 60 hours played and I still have more work to do.  You have to master skills and perfect them, discover magic, craft armor, and marry a woman. Skyrim has its' own times of frustration but it is all cancelled out by the good times of story and mass killing you do in the game.

Overall I give Skyrim a solid 8.5/10

Free will of choices
Take Control and make decisions that affect game play
Unlimited amount of hours to play 
Multiple Faction Choices
Glitches, Glitches , and more glitches
story needs some Improvement

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